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Veteran Development Lead; Executive Coach

A United States Marine Corps Helicopter Door Gunner, Body Building Champion, & USA Boxer who most recently fought in the Olympic Qualifiers, Lisa is a Motivational Fitness & Nutrition Coach who has battled depression and suicide, before fitness saved her life. She is now able to give others the tools to help them save their own lives and loves nothing more than helping others so they don’t have to experience the same struggle she once did.


Lisa became a Marine Corps Door Gunner and was one of the first women in this position to go to combat. Sustaining injuries in both Operations Iraqi and Enduring freedom, she was forced to get out of the military and retire her wings. After rehabilitated herself, Lisa rejoined not only to pass the physical fitness standards, but to earn a perfect score, passing Naval Aviation Medical standards earning her flight status once again.


Lisa's passion is to lead, motivate, and inspire others to achieve their goals, no matter what they are, which is what led her to recruiting. She is gravely passionate about helping others in their success.


She believes in training the mind to never settle for mediocrity, and continues to live by the standard that education and growth are continuous throughout our lifetime

Lisa Bodenburg. Redeployment. Recruiting. Biotechnology
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